Friday, August 30, 2013

Discussion Terms Assigned

Dear ENG 4020 Class:

Critical terms for discussion leading have been randomly assigned (I split the attendance roster into four groups and went from there). In some cases, two people have been assigned the same term because it may warrant more than one perspective. If you are one of those people, feel free to prepare individually or collaboratively, but of course, both of you will need to prepare something.

-Dr. Graban

Monday, August 26, 2013

This is the Official Welcome Message

Welcome (back) to FSU for the Fall 2013 semester, and welcome to our course blog, which has two principal functions: (1) to serve as a discussion and performance space for all of us as we traverse our readings and generate ideas for the final project; and (2) to serve as a portal for assignments, resources, and other information about the course. Feel free to browse the links above and at right, and be sure to check in regularly.

Looking forward to the semester. It will be glorious!
-Dr. Graban